Thursday, 30 April 2009

Tip 9 - And the need for a lie down

Tip 9 - Don't commit to writing a blog if you really don't have time to keep it up

Firstly an apology to my lovely blog followers, I am truly sorry I haven't written anything in a couple of weeks.

To be honest, I haven't had time to breath let alone sit down in a quietened room to gather my thoughts into sensible wordage. Whoever said 'If you want a job done well, ask a busy person' quite frankly ought to be shot. Please stop asking!!!!

What's news in the Hobbit household? Well....

Bobbit is no longer a real man. The appendage removal went well but unfortunatly doesn't seem to have rid him of his agressive toe chewing and leg humping tendancies. Someone told me that it takes about 2 weeks for all the testosterone to leave his system. I wish someone would tell him that!! It has been two weeks and no sign of let up yet!

Small and Medium Hobbits continue to want to kill each other. Impliments in the last week include; a fishing net, the shed door, the dog, bicycles and small pieces of random square plastic block. I think you know what I mean! Nothing is safe!

Hubby hobbit working hard as ever and commanding the small hobbits rugby team with his usual efficiency. Nearly the end of the season, looking forward to the odd lie in on a Sunday.

As for me....well I have been to meeting after meeting without earning very much money (how does that happen), have been re-elected treasurer of the scouts, been to a very wet Rugby festival with hoards of small muddy boys and finally completed one website, for which I will at least get paid.

Oh, i nearly forgot, and I did two days filming work on a major hollywood film!!

Before you get too excited, it was on film extra work. But totally fun. Spent a huge amount of time sitting around looking not dissimilar to Farrah Fawcett/Lady Di reading, chatting to other extras, sorry Supporting Artists, and drinking coffee. All this whilst being paid! It's a hard life isn't it? However, having worn a pair of boots for the two days which are at least one size too small, I do have the blistered heels to show for my time. Did do a modicum of work in the afternoon, walking up, down, past the camera in one direction, past again in the other, round and round in circles. Remains to be seen whether I will actually feature in the film itself. Will keep the blogging public posted. It doesn't come out until next year so am not holding my breath!!!

Spoke to my agent (get me!!!) on Monday to try to source some more work. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed. Might be more discerning over the choice of boots on the next project though!!

1 comment:

  1. At times i feel you could be writing about me: i have une doglett and am completely undecided as to whether i should leave him intact. He is so thick he doesn't leghump but has an increasing tendancy to run off and just ignore me! My DH also partakes in sunday morning junior rugby coaching and i can't wait until that is one less thing on our hectic calendar! Not looking forward to the annual rugby dinner and dance next week which will consist largely of drinking and very little dancing (well - that will come later but only if you stand on the tables!)I have just attended one st georges parade and annual agm for our local scout group as absl. Work- can't seem to fit it in!!!
